Purchase a Brick
Bricks For Ministry
Did you know that Ministry Village at Olive has a brick legacy walkway through part of our campus?
When the Health and Hope Clinic was built on our campus in 2014, our Ministry Village visionaries created the brick walkway as an opportunity to raise support for our flagship programs - Tender Hearts Caring Hands and the Charis House.
When you purchase an engraved brick, you can honor a loved one, recognize someone special, or offer a message of hope to those walking its path.
Each brick will be 4" x 8" x 2 1/4" and will include 3 lines of engraving and up to 20 characters per line (including spaces, letters, numbers & punctuation.
Each brick is $100. You may order your brick PLUS a mini souvenir version of your brick for $125. Souvenir bricks make the perfect gift to the person being honored and also serve as a precious memorial keepsake.