Help meet the needs of the “least of these” in our community
If you would like to make a donation to a specific ministry please indicate that in additional information.
Any amount donated will be used toward
Homeless emergency food bags, and hot meals
Financial assistant and food pantry
Curriculum material for our recovery program
Transportation fees
Professional counseling fees
Brochures, and Bibles

If you would like to make a donation with a check, please make check payable to:
Ministry Village at Olive Inc.
You can mail your donation to:
Ministry Village at Olive Inc | 1716 E Olive Rd, Pensacola, FL 32514
Feed a Family in Need
A one-time donation of $85 will provide a family of 4 in your community with enough food to prepare 4 meals.
Shower Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $7 provides an individual experiencing homelessness with a clean towel, one clean outfit, a bar of soap, shampoo, conditioner, a razor, and hot water in a private space to shower.
Monthly Homeless Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $120 will provide an individual experiencing homelessness with hot meals, clean clothes, a shower twice a week, and a weekly snack bag for a month.
Addiction Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $3,200 will support one of our Charis House ladies for one month. We provide all the basic needs for every woman in our program. This includes but is not limited to clean clothes, running water, electricity, groceries, gas for our program vehicle, and an opportunity for a new life free from addiction.
Weekly Homeless Snack Bag
A one-time donation of $15 provides an individual experiencing homelessness with one cup of ramen noodles, a can of ravioli, a package of tuna, and a can of Vienna sausages. As well as 20 other various snack items including but not limited to drink pouches, Lil Debbie snacks, and protein bars.
Yearly Homeless Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $1,440 will provide someone in your community who is experiencing homelessness with a year of free services at the Ministry Village.
Financial Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $200 will provide a family in need with financial assistance to pay their electric bill and a one-time budget class.
Yearly Addiction Ministry Support
A one-time donation of $37,500 will fund one of our Charis House ladies entire year of recovery treatment.