Bringing the Compassion of Christ to Addiction Recovery

Today, more than 4 million women in this country abuse drugs. 23.5 million Americans are addicted to alcohol and drugs. According to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), 1 in 10 soldiers who returned from Iraq and Afghanistan and were seen by the VA had a problem with alcohol or other drugs. The challenges feel insurmountable to many.

You don't have to struggle alone. Ministry Village at Olive is here to help bring the compassion of Christ to addiction recovery.

Addiction takes its toll on more than the addict – children are neglected, families are torn apart, loved ones are overwhelmed, neighborhoods are affected, and communities are devastated. Ministry Village at Olive provides hands-on support to those struggling with addiction through two ministries - Charis House and The Most Excellent Way.

Charis House provides a structured, residential environment for women to recover and heal from the throes of addiction. Clients first pledge to complete Phase 1 of the program -- 12 months of a disciplined curriculum along with scheduled activities focused on individual recovery. Ladies participate in daily Christ-centered curriculum, weekly individual and group counseling with a licensed mental health counselor, church worship, volunteer work with the Children’s Ministry at Olive Baptist Church and work therapy at the Ministry Village Bargain Center. Upon graduation from Phase 1, ladies enter Phase 2, focusing on recovery as well as building advanced life skills, safe support systems and employability.

The Most Excellent Way (MEW) is a loving group of men and women affected directly or indirectly by drugs, alcohol or other life-dominating sin. MEW utilizes Biblical principles to overcome the guilt, frustration, hopelessness, fear and shame associated with addictive behavior. We believe that through meetings, we will grow in our faith in Christ, becoming healthy, joy-filled and productive children of God with the support of others who understand what we have lived through. 1 Corinthians 12:31 says "Now eagerly desire the greater gifts. And yet I will show you the most excellent way." Jesus can heal the hurting and addicted.

  • MEW meetings are held each week at the Olive Baptist main campus (Tuesdays and Fridays from 7 to 8:30 PM). There is no cost to attend. 

  • For more information about Charis House, click here. To request a New Client Packet, call (850) 475-1116.

  • To learn more about Most Excellent Way, click here or call Scott Heald at (850) 475-1112.

  • The cost for 1 woman's room and board for 1 year at the Charis House is more than $16,000. No one is turned away from the program because of their inability to pay. Your donation will change lives. To donate to Ministry Village at Olive and provide funding for Charis House, Most Excellent Way or our other ministries, click here or call (850) 473-4466.

  • Volunteers are needed daily in each of our ministry programs. To learn how you can support our ministries, click here or call (850) 473-4466.


Blessing the Community through the Bargain Center


Caring for the Charis House –The Vital Role of the Charis House Manager