We’re Shooting for Grace at the Ministry Village Clay Shoot!

This weekend marks the 6th annual Ministry Village Clay Shoot – our fundraiser for the Charis House and the programs of Ministry Village at Olive – and it’s not too late for you to participate!


This year’s fundraiser features special guest multi-time professional tour, world and national champion shooter Gebben Miles! Registration opens at 7:30 AM and the event kicks off as Gebben shares his testimony and discusses how he uses the professional shooting world as his mission field for bringing people to the Lord. Shooting begins at 9 AM, with Gebben on hand to provide coaching tips to shooters, as well as to shoot mulligans for donations to Ministry Village for those times when your score needs a little extra grace. Lunch will follow the shoot, and awards, door prizes, auction items and raffle prizes will be announced. Cash prizes will be awarded to the First Place Team ($500) and Second Place Team ($200), and special prizes and recognition will be awarded to the Highest Individual Score and Best Junior Shooter.


Dr. Stephen Newsome, Chairman of the Board of Directors for Ministry Village at Olive, is looking forward to this year’s event because of its purpose. "The annual Clay Shoot provides a fun way for us to share the work of Ministry Village with our community, and provide an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. The Tender Hearts Caring Hands food pantry has been helping a record number of people in our community each week and the need for food is unprecedented. The work Ministry Village does through the Charis House is life-changing and life-saving. But it takes resources to support all of these programs. It costs about $1,600 each month to provide housing, shelter, and program support for just one woman at the Charis House. Food costs to keep our Tender Hearts Caring Hands food pantry have skyrocketed. This fundraiser is a fantastic way to support Ministry Village and help people in need right here on the Gulf Coast.”


Join us – we are “Shooting for Grace” to raise funds for Ministry Village!




Charis House Celebrates 15 Years of Life-Changing Ministry


Professional Shooter Gebben Miles Shares the Lord at Ministry Village Clay Shoot