Volunteers Make Our Days Brighter at MVO

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

April is National Volunteer Appreciation Month, and Ministry Village at Olive has a dedicated team of volunteers who not only make our days brighter but also make the work we do possible. We absolutely could not reach the community for Jesus without all of the helping hands and hearts who serve selflessly alongside us.

The Tender Hearts Caring Hands ministry relies on a large roster of volunteers to help restock, inventory, organize, bag and distribute food bags and reach out to the homeless, as well as to take incoming calls for help and track assistance data, and teach the weekly budget class to those needing financial assistance. Program Director Kathleen Schuster is thankful for the dedication of her team of volunteers, and knows that THCH would not run without their faithful support.

Thank you to Bernie Alidor, Dane Allen, David Hoyt, Doris Young, Gaye Parazine, Gene Myatt, Huey Pearson, Jerald Miller, Jeremy Hans, Pam Isbell, Randy Wright, Ron Riles, Ronda Arnold, Sandy Isbell, Shirley Huffman, Steve Nelson, Tammy Davis, Tom Cacciatore, Wayne Forbush, Barbara Fitzpatrick, Kim Benson, Joy Tyner, Ron Adkison, Bob Duncan, Marie Anthony, Faith Pendo and Mary Graybeal, as well as the ladies from SHE who consistently donate items for our homeless and shower ministries.

At the Ministry Village Bargain Center, Store Manager Julie Paden depends on the help of her dedicated volunteers to help stock the book room,s ort and hang the clothing donations, sort, clean and price hardgoods, and keep the Bargain Center running smoothly to maximize money raised for Ministry Village programs. Thank you to Kathy Clements, Margie Adkison, Patty Trent, Charlotte Anderson, Audrey Salter, Leon Salter, Susan Young, and Sarah and Jerry Bennett.

Thank you to all of these special friends and supporters who make our jobs easier and more delightful. It is a blessing to serve alongside others who have a passionate desire to share Jesus with our neighbors and take action.

Next week, we’ll highlight volunteers who serve through the Charis House, Early Learning Center and Most Excellent Way ministries.

  • The mission of Ministry Village at Olive is to put the words of Jesus into action throughout our community – “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40, NIV)


Thanking the Hands and Hearts Who Serve