Waterfront Volunteers Help Ministry Village

Ministry Village at Olive is thankful for all of the partners we have throughout the community who join forces to make a difference for our neighbors. Recently, our friends at Waterfront Rescue Mission volunteered to help us with some projects around our campus.

Jody Shoop, Director of Ministry Operations at Waterfront Rescue Mission, wanted participants in her LifeBuilder 90 day residential recovery program to participate in a community service project. Ministry Village at Olive was one of the first organizations she called, asking MVO Executive Director Drayton Smith if there were any projects where her Waterfront volunteers could make a difference. “We had several projects around the campus – projects that required manual labor – that needed to be addressed,” said Drayton. “I explained to Jody the types of things we needed and she said that her team of volunteers could take care of those things for us. It was certainly a blessing.”

Waterfront’s LifeBuilder Recovery Program is “a 90-day, residential, outcomes-driven Addiction Recovery Center, designed to help a man rebuild his life.” The four men who volunteered at MVO moved some ground-up asphalt, picked up two trailer-loads of sticks and branches that littered the Ministry Village property, and helped the tree company who was trimming dead limbs from large oaks by carrying tree limbs to the grinder. They worked for 3 hours on campus, and enjoyed being able to give back to the community they love and want to support.

Thank you to Jody and all of our friends at Waterfront Rescue Mission for using your tender hearts and caring hands in service of our ministry. “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11


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